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Тести, вибрати правильну відповідь) Будь ласка до іть) 1. We need to book the accommodation tonight.
A the hotel
B the tickets
C the excursion
2. Why don't we go on a backpacking holiday this year?
A a luxury holiday with expensive hotels B a relaxing holiday by the beach
C a cheap holiday travelling around many places
3. This is my second visit to the US.
A I've gone to the US.
B I've never been to the US.
C I've been to the US before.
4. Tom is here. He arrived a few minutes ago.
A has just got here.
B hasn't arrived yet.
C has never arrived.
5. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the theatre?
A how far is the theatre from here
B how do I get to the theatre from here C can I walk to the theatre from here 6. After two days in the city, I need to escape to the countryside.
A go home mood
B visit somewhere quieter
C continue looking around the city

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1. a








My cat's name it is very kind and fat with smooth fur. he has got small head and ears, short neck, small paws and green eyes. most of all he likes to sleep and drink milk.

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