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Установите соответствие между текстами A-E и TEMAM, выбрав тему 1-6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя. This text deals with ... 1) the city where people go to have fun. 2) a place known for its snow. 3) the state named after a famous person. 4) the second largest state in the USA. 5) the smallest state in the USA. 6) the state known for its technologies. A. California is a state on the west coast of North America. It has the largest population of any of the U.S. states and one of the best economies in the world. Many people know California because of Hollywood and the film industry, as well as Silicon Valley, the global center of high technology, Internet and computers.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A - 6

B - 4

C - 1

D - 3

E - 2

5 - extra

A1. 2) shopping a2. 1) a) new zealand2) c) india 3) d) thailand4) b) czech republic a3. 3) manage a4. 1) c) прекратить работать 2) d) это оказалось просто 3) b) компанией 4) a) доказать мужествоa5. 4) producera6. 2) howevera7. a) he says that i am right d) he asked her if she spoke englisha) she told me not to talk with her a8. 1) which 2) whicha9. these days you can read books on cds.a10. news, snow.

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