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b Rewrite the sentences using the bold word.
1 I made a big mistake. I only realized it years later. HAD
I only realized years later
2 It seems that Mr Marshall has disappeared. HAVE
Mr Marshall
3 Can you pay someone to fix the tap, please? It keeps
dripping. FIXED
? It keeps dripping.
4 People expect that the team's coach will resign in the
coming week. EXPECTED
The team's coach
in the coming
5 The Daily Mail says that the singer has been seen
with another woman. ACCORDING
the singer has been seen with
another woman.
6 If you leave that glass there, someone will break it.
If you leave that glass there,
7 It is said that there are over a million homeless people
in this country. BE
over a million homeless people
in this country
8 They don't usually arrive at the airport until the last
minute. GET
until the last minute.
9 The dog slept on my bed all night. I noticed it when I
woke up. SLEEPING
When I woke up, I noticed that

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