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5. read the text. when we haven't got a chance to spcak face to face and it is necessary to get or send urgent information we deal with a telephone. but if the person we need is out at the moment we can leave a message on the answerphone. the message is a short summary ofthe whole conversation containing the most essential information. that is why you should be especially careful about numbers, dates, times and names. speak slowly and clearly. makc notes while you are taking messages, don't rely on your memory, and read all the important details back to the caller. don't interrupt the person you speak to, let him finish what he wants to say. speak in a polite voice. find the equivalents in the text: to have the opportunity, urgent information, it is necessary to read, to talk face to face, to deal with ..., other ways, the person we need, the most important information, a brief summary, that's why.

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Isaw tom last night.oh, really. i haven't met him for ages.we have never heard this song before.is it famous in your country? it has been quite popular here for many years.what did you do last sunday? i spent it at home. oh, that's great! i haven't spent my weekends at home since last year. have you ever won a cooking contest? yes,i won in 2008. when did you meet alice for the first time? we met each other in 1997. so how long have you been best friends? we have been friends for more than 15 years.

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