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It is sunday afternoon and their picnic is ready. They 9)enjoy
Their picnic.they10)eat.
Sandviches.John 11)not/eat
His sendwich.He 12)feed.
The birds.They13)have a wonderful day.

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One day henny-penny was picking up corn in the cornyard when-- hit her upon the head. 'goodness gracious me! ' said henny-penny; 'the sky's a-going to fall; i must go and tell the king.'  she went along and she  met cocky-locky. 'where are you going, hennypenny? ' says cocky-locky. 'oh! i'm going to tell the king the sky's a-falling,' says henny-penny. 'may i come with you? ' says cocky-locky. 'certainly,' says henny-penny.  so they  went to tell the king the sky was falling. they went along,till they met ducky-daddles. 'where are you going to, hennypenny and cocky-locky? ' says ducky-daddles. 'oh! we're going to tell the king the sky's a-falling,' said henny-penny and cocky-locky. 'may i come with you? ' said ducky-daddles. 'certainly,' said henny-penny and cocky-locky. so hennypenny, cocky-locky, and ducky-daddles went to tell the king the sky was a-falling.  so they went along  till they met goosey-poosey. 'where are you going to, henny-penny, cocky-locky, and ducky-daddles? ' said gooseypoosey. 'oh! we're going to tell the king the sky's a-falling,' said henny-penny and cocky-locky and ducky-daddles. 'may i come with you? ' said goosey-poosey. 'certainly,' said hennypenny, cocky-locky, and ducky-daddles. so henny-penny, cocky-locky, ducky-daddles, and goosey-poosey went to tell the king the sky was a-falling.    so they went along,  till they met turkey-lurkey. "where are you going? "says turkey-turkey. 'oh! we're going to tell the king the sky's a-falling,' said henny-penny, cocky-locky, duckydaddies, and goosey-poosey. "may i come with you? "  said turkey-lurkey. 'oh, certainly, turkey-turkey,' said henny-penny, cocky-locky, ducky-daddles, and gooseypoosey. so  they went  to tell the king the sky was a-falling. they went along,  till they met foxy-woxy, and foxy-woxy said to  they  'where are you going? " and they   said to foxy-woxy: 'we' re going to tell the king the sky's a-falling.' 'oh! but this is not the way to the king, henny-penny, cocky-locky, ducky-daddles, goosey-poosey, and turkey-lurkey,' says foxy-woxy; 'i know the proper way; shall i show it you? ' 'oh, certainly, foxy-woxy,' said  they.so they all  went to tell the king the sky was a-falling. so they went along,  and  till they came to a narrow and dark hole. now this was the door of foxy-woxy's cave. but foxy-woxy said to henny-penny, cocky-locky, ducky-daddles, goosey-poosey, and turkeyturkey: 'this is the short way to the king's palace: you'll soon get there if you follow me. i will go first and you come after."  'why, of course, certainly, without doubt, why not? ' said  they.so foxy-woxy went into his cave, and he didn't go very far, but turned round to wait for  others.  so at last at first turkey-lurkey went  nito the cave.he hadn't got far when 'hrumph', foxy-woxy snapped off turkey-lurkey's head and threw his body over his left shoulder.    then goosey-poosey went in, and 'hrumph', off went her head and goosey-poosey was thrown beside turkey-lurkey. then ducky-daddles waddled down, and 'hrumph', snapped foxy-woxy, and ducky-daddles's head was off and duckydaddies was thrown alongside turkey-turkey and gooseypoosey. then cocky-locky strutted down into the cave, and he hadn't gone far when 'snap, hrumph! ' went foxy-woxy, and cocky-locky was thrown alongside of turkey-lurkey, gooseypoosey, and ducky-daddles.  but foxy-woxy had made two bites at cocky-locky, and when the first snap only hurt cocky-locky, but didn't kill him, he called out to henny-penny. but she turned tail and off she ran home, so she never told the king the sky was a-falling. 

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