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с английским ! Choose the appropriate word for each sentence. There is one extra word. Some words can be used in different sentences.
(fussy, punctual, gentle, joyful, disappointed, afraid, stressed, calm, confident, anxious)
1. I feel after the exams. They were difficult to pass.
2. Amy’s always about her appearance. She looks in the mirror every 5 minutes.
3. Mrs Marsh liked her guests to be . She hates to wait.
4. Christmas is a time of year. Everybody feels happy.
5. I've always been of flying. I prefer trains.
6. You look . What's wrong?
7. In any situation keep . Don't worry.
8. Ella is with kids. She will be a perfect mother.
9. You don't sound . Do you believe in it yourself?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Stressed. Я всегда волнуюсь/напряженный после экзаменов. Из очень тяжело сдавать.
2. Fussy. Эми всегда суетлива по поводу своей внешности. Она смотрит в зеркало каждые пять минут.
3. Punctual. Миссис Марш любит, чтобы ее гости были пунктуальны. Она нравились ждать.
4. Joyful. Рождество — это радостное время года. Все веселы.
5. Afraid. Я всегда боялась летать. Я предпочитаю поезда.
6. Anxious. Ты выглядишь встревоженным. Что случилось?
7. Calm. В любых ситуациях оставайся спокойным. Не беспокойся.
8. Gentle. Элла очень добра/нежна с детьми. Она будет отличной матерью.
9. Confident. Ты не звучишь уверенным. Ты веришь в себя?

1) she told (that) didn't play there.

2) she said (that) she was leaving then.

3) she inquired if this book was yours.

4) she wanted to know what time was it.

5) the teacher order   to was quite   and sat down.

6) she asked if i smoked.

7)my mum says (that) people smoked tpp many cigarettes.

8) my mum wanted to know if i had finished my homework.

9)he required if i would go to the meeting if he did.

10) he said (that) he was sorry? he couldn't fo this problem.

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