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TV Stereotypes
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Ответы на вопрос:

1. getting

2. meeting

3. learning

4. to post

5. to repair

6. talking

7. working

8. sharing

9. to fetch

10. to consult

11. to be

12. playing

13. playing

14. discussing

15. seing

16. giving

17. to water

18. loving (обычно данный глагол с ing не используется, но здесь идет параллель с being, так что нужен герундий.)

Iwould like to describe to you my working day. all these days are similar to each other. on weekdays i usually get up at seven. i do gymnastics. then i wash my face and hands and brush their teeth. at half past seven i'm ready to breakfast. i love to have a quick light breakfast. after breakfast i go to school. my school near my house. the road to the school is 10 minutes. my lessons begin at 8: 30 and ends at 15: 00. six or seven lessons a day with daily routine. twice a week i stay at school after classes to play basketball. when i come home i have dinner. then i rested a little. sometimes i read a book or talk with my friends on the phone. after that i start my homework. twice a week i attend private lessons in mathematics in order to improve my knowledge. usually i finish complete their homework about 11 hours. but one day a week is not as loaded. this thursday. on thursday i usually help my mother. sometimes i make a purchase or take clothes from the dry cleaners. i usually dine in 8 hours. then i will continue to work. at 11 o'clock i go to sleep.

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