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Complete the sentences with said or told.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. My sister told me that she wanted to go on a hiking trip.

2. Sandra told us to dress smartly for the event.

3. Jeff said he was impressed by my work.

4. Mr. Collins told his students to be quiet during the lesson.

5. Kelly said she had seen the thieves that morning.

6. The scientist said he would create a new machine.

7. Ann told her friend she never wanted to see her again.

8. Brenda said she loved reading books in her free time.

Isaw tom yesterday. – вчера я видел тома. jim met his sister in the street. – джим встретил свою сестру на улице. we were happy that day. – мы были счастливы в тот день. yesterday it was foggy and wet. – вчера было туманно и сыро. tomorrow we will go to the zoo. – завтра мы пойдем в зоопарк. yesterday i saw jim; he was tired and sad. – вчера я видел джима, он был уставшим и грустным. i know that my mother will buy me a new dress. – я знаю, что моя мама купит мне новое платье. he said that his brother is a sportsman. – он сказал, что его брат спортсмен. i saw a beautiful girl in the street, but i couldn’t get acquainted because of my shyness. – я увидел красивую девушку на улице, но не смог познакомиться по причине моей застенчивости. i spoke french when i was in france (to speak, to be). – я говорил по-французски, когда был во франции yesterday andy came home late (to come). – вчера энди пришел домой поздно we began to watch the film when tom entered the room (to begin). – мы начали смотреть фильм, когда том вошел в комнату alice forgot to cook lunch, all the family remained hungry (to forget). – алиса забыла приготовить обед, вся семья осталась голодной i learnt english at school (to learn). – я изучал в школе. i have just begun my dissertation (to begin) – я только начал свою диссертацию tom has already done his work (to do) – том уже сделал свою работу i have never been in paris (to be) – я никогда не была в париже alex hasn’t got his salary yet (to get). – алекс еще не получил зарплату.

Популярно: Английский язык