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7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then tick the sentences that
are true for you.
1 I often forget
(bring) my pens to school.
2 I'll never forget
(meet) my best friend,
3 I don't remember (learn) how to swim.
4 I always remember (switch) my phone off
in lessons.
5 I stopped
(take) piano lessons a while
6 I usually stop (buy) sweets on my way home.
7 If my laptop freezes, I try, (restart) it.
8 I've never seen my dad
(lose) his temper.
9 I often see my neighbour (drive) to work
ar Focus page 130

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Ответы на вопрос:

A: 1.  the  2.  the, the 3. a,  the  4.  the 5.  not the 6.  the, the  7.  the 8.    the  8.  —— 10.  the, the 11.  the, the 12. —, the  13.  the  14.  the, some  15.  the, the, the  16.  —, the 17. an, the  b:   1.  the, the  2.a, a 3.  a  4.  the  5.  a 6.  a, this  7.  a, the  8.  an, the  9.  a, the 10. a  11.  the, the 

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