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Task 1. Read the text and mark the sentences True (n). False (F) or Nor given (NG). A new hobby I saw some table tennis on TV and found it quite interesting. so I thought I'd see if there was a club or association in my area. I looked everywhere, but unfortunately, the nearest club was 100 kilometers away. So without any knowledge. I decided to for my own club. It was very hard in the beginning - I didn't have any equipment and I had to convince people that it was an enjoyable way to keep fit. I organized a small competition, which was a lot of fun, and things started to grow from there. Now we have full time training and our opponents come from all over the country. One of our members was even a bronze medalist in the national championship. Now we re also thinking of adding other sports in our club, like tennis and badminton The writer thought that table tennis was boring.
The club he found was too distant from where he lived.
When the writer started the club, he already knew about table tennis.
He asked other people to help him to open his club.
He had to buy medals for the small competition that he organized.
One of the members won gold in the national championship.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. тебе давно пора идти спать. (to go to bed) 2. у меня есть лишь 2 минуты, чтобы объяснить тебе/ вам  новые правила (  to explain) 3. он считается хорошим специалистом (to be) 4. она была первой, кто пришел / она должна была прийти первой  (to have come) 5. я бы хотел(а), чтобы он мне ( to help  ) 6. мама заставила меня съесть суп 

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