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мне очень надо. Буду очень благодарна

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Ответы на вопрос:

2.) since Monica have

3.) has never been

4.) had fallen asleep before she

5.) haven't been

6.) hasn't called

7.) start making

8.) since we haven't played the

9.) until after Tom had

1 It was UNFAIR to punish him. It was an accident.

2 You shouldn't wear shorts in church. It's DISRESPECTFUL.

3 You can't find anything. You're so DISORGANIZED. Есть ещё вариант UNORGANIZED. О человеке обычно говорят disorganized.

4 His writing is IMPOSSIBLE to read.

5 It's ILLEGAL to drive a car without a licence.

6 It's UNCOMMON to see people in top hats these days.

7 It was IRRESPONSIBLE of you to leave your bag in the car.​

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