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7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of make and one of these words. sure; a cake; friends; history; a suggestion; mistakes.
1 When you leave the house, you've got your keys.
2 I'd like to Why don't you try on those shoes before you buy them?
3 My friends always do their homework quickly so they
4 We haven't got any eggs. We can't 5 I'm a friendly person sol... very easily.
6 I'd love to do something important for the world and ..


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Ответы на вопрос:

1. of course, i can tell one tree from another just now. 2. it's very easy to differ one tree from another by leaves and fruits on the tree. 3. an oak tree never has apples on a tree. 4. to my opinion, they were absent minded or they didn't know anything about nature.

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