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В чём проблема конкуренции брендов? И решение этой проблемы. мне надо , отзовитесь кто-нибудь

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4,6(97 оценок)


проблема конкуренции в том , что каждый бренд хочет занять львиную часть рынка своей продукцией , тем самым убирать конкурентов. как по мне , эту проблему невозможно решить. каждый бренд хочет получать максимальное количество денежных средств.

вроде всё

4,4(96 оценок)

a) общий - Will he be waiting for you at 7 in the evening?

к подлежащему - Who will be waiting for you at 7 in the evening?

альтернативный - Will he be waiting for you at 5 or 7 in the evening?

разделительный - He'll be waiting for you at 7 in the evening, won't he?

специальный - What will he be doing at 7 in the evening?

b) общий - Was Robert sleeping on the floor, when his mother came into the room?

к подлежащему - Who was sleeping on the floor, when his/her mother came into the room?

альтернативный - Was Robert sleeping on the floor or reading, when his mother came into the room?

разделительный - Robert was sleeping on the floor, when his mother came into the room, wasn't he?

специальный - What was Robert doing, when his mother came into the room?

c) общий - Is the girl holding a brush in her hands?

к подлежащему - Who is holding a brush in his/her hands?

альтернативный - Is the girl holding a brush or a cup of tea in her hands?

разделительный - The girl is holding a brush in her hands, isn't she?

специальный - What is the girl holding in her hands?

d) общий - Is he travelling without his children?

к подлежащему - Who is travelling without his/her children?

альтернативный - Is he travelling with or without his children?

разделительный - He's travelling without his children, isn't he?

специальный - Who is he travelling with?

e) общий - Was Fred listening to the teacher, when she looked at him?

к подлежащему - Who wasn't listening to the teacher, when she looked at him/her?

альтернативный - Was Fred or Robert (yep, the one that was sleeping on the floor when his mum came in ) not listening to his teacher, when she looked at him?

разделительный - Fred wasn't listening to the teacher, when she looked at him, was he?

специальный - What was Fred doing/not doing, when the teacher looked at him?

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