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Проект про мумій в єгипті на англійській мові

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The myth of Tutankhamun's curse has taken over the world and inspired many stories. Where does the legend of the resurrected ancient Egyptian dead, learned a BBC Culture columnist.
"It's a pretty scary process where the brain is removed through the nose. All the internal organs are also removed," said John J. Johnson of the Egyptian Association of Mummification.
"After that, the body is washed and rubbed with oils," he adds.
Almost a century has passed since the discovery of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, but the legends and myths around it do not subside.

Ukraine occupies 603,700 square meters. km in eastern europe and is one of the largest countries in the region. the country extends 893 km from north to south and 1,316 km from east to west. mezhus ukraine with russia, belarus, moldova, the czech republic, poland, slovakiyeyu, hungary and romania. in the south it omyvactsya black and azov seas. only 5% of the territory is mountainous terrain, the remaining territory, plain. on the territory of ukraine is only part of the spine of the carpathian mountains, which are located in neighboring countries. the largest rivers - the dnieper, dniester, bug and donets. they have different origins, and most of them flows into the black sea. the largest river dnieper is a major source of electricity. the country has coal, oil, iron ore and other minerals that important in shaping the framework for industrial development.

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