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Present Perfect Simple VS Present Perfect Continuous Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous 1. Don't come in I (just wash) the floor. 2. I am thirsty. I (not drink) anything for 7 hours. 3. Tom is so tired. He (do) home work for 3 hours. 4. I don't want to read this book. I (read) it several times already. 5. Mary (tech) Spanish for 5 years. 6. They (not/do) their homework yet.
7.Mike (play) football since morning.
8. Children ( swim) in the lake for three hours.
9. We (not/see) our relatives for ages.
10. They ( not/hear) about Helen for a long time
11. Alise ( not/pass) her exam because she doesn't know the material.
12. Pupils (write) the test for two hours.
13. I (have) a pain in my back since morning.
14. Helen is my best friend, we (know) each other for many years.
15. They have a sore throat. They (eat) ice-cream all day.
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Ответы на вопрос:

1. have just washed

2. haven't drunk

3. has been doing

4. have read

5. has been teaching

6. haven't done

7. has been playing

8. have been swimming

9. haven't seen

10. haven't heard

11. hasn't passed

12. have been writing

13. have had

14.  have been having

15. have known

16. have been eating


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