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Put the letters in the correct order. The first letter of each word is given. 1. I decided not to go and see the film because I read a bad (VERIWE) r…….. of it.

2. I don`t enjoy watсhing films with (TILUSTESB) s……….. I can`t read them fast enough.

3. The play was really boring and some people didn`t stay to see the end. They left during the (NTRELVAI) i…………………..

4. The band gave a great (NECEAFPRMOR) p……………….. last night.

5. The sports stadium is a good (EVNEU) v……………… for a big concert because it has thousands of seats.

6. Sometimes seeing your favourite band (VLEI) l………… is disappointing because the sound isn`t very good.

7. There`s music festival on this weekend and (MDASISINO) a…………….. is free!

8. The play was very sad. A lot of people in the (DEINUACE) a…………….. were crying.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 review

2 subtitles

3 interval

4 performance

5 venue

6 live

7 admission

8 audience


2. the reeds 8. received i) the new visitors warmly and offered them the best seats at the festive table. 3. the missing child had been found 9. safe c) and sound.4. a few farmers 7.produce e)enough food for the whole population.5. did she 1. explain d)why she was late? 6. how do you 4. connect a) the printer to the computer? 7. people 10. consider f) the young dramatist to be of great talent. 8. the 5. previous h) owner of the house had added to it two wings and widened the hall.9. we could see the musicians in the 2. orchestra g) pit all ready for the performance.10. it's so pleasant to have a picnic in 6. fair b) weather.

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