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cave Glossary a space inside a mountain tent you make this when you walk on the beach this is something dangerous that cowboys and policemen use not well this is land with sea all around it going from one place to another place you use this to cut things we live on this, fish live in the sea not like things you know or see every day a place to sleep in the mountains or on the beach you use these to make things

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глоссарий пещер пространство внутри горной палатки вы делаете это, когда идете по пляжу это что-то опасное, что ковбои и полицейские используют не очень хорошо это земля, вокруг которой море, переходящее из одного места в другое место вы используете это, чтобы вырезать вещи, на которых мы живем, рыба живет в море не так, как вещи, которые вы знаете или видите каждый день место для сна в горах или на пляже вы используете это, чтобы сделать вещи


4,4(50 оценок)

mankind always dreamed of overcoming gravitation and reaching other planets. but it was only in the 1960ies that this dream was to become reality.

on the 12th of april 1961 the spaceship «vostok» was launched into space with a man on board and after orbiting our planet successfully returned to the earth.

the first man to overcome gravitation and orbit the earth was yuri gagarin. this day went down in history of mankind as an outstanding achievement, opening the space era.

in the course of space exploration there have been lots of achievements of world science and technology. this period saw the launching of many earth satellites, numerous space laboratories. among the achievements we may enumerate the landing of automatic stations on the moon, the flights of space laboratories towards venus and mars.

these are the years of manned space flight programmes: valentina tereshkova was the first woman-cosmonaut to make a space flight, a. a. leonov achieved the first «space walk» in 1965, the first soviet experimental station with four cosmonauts on tjoard went into orbit, the first american expedition landed on the moon.

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