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Roger Bacon, an English monk, wrote about his experiments with fireworks in 1242. Queen Elizabeth I 9)
(WATCH) the earliest recorded fireworks display in England at Warwick Castle in 1572. She liked them, and more fireworks displays followed. The fireworks had a lot of gold and silver explosions.
The Thames 10) (BE) a popular location for fireworks for 400 years since then. The 11) (BIG) recent one was to celebrate the new Millennium in 2000. There was a huge fireworks display in 1749 over Green Park in London. It took six months to plan, a special building (called the Temple) 12) (BUILD). It cost 14,500 pounds - a lot of money in those days! Unfortunately, there was an accident and the Temple 13) (CATCH) fire.
In Britain the official traditional day for fireworks was Guy Fawkers' night on the 5th of November.
Guy Fawkers was the man who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament but failed. But 14) (THIS) days, fireworks have been so popular you can see and hear them the whole year.

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