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3a Work in pairs. Read what people write to their newspaper. Ask and answer to complete the sentences. Pupil A: look at this page. Ask about Lewis and Freya. Pupil B: look at page 27. Ask about Abby and Mr Smith. e.g. Where/In what country do supermarkets have a plastic bottle system?

My name's Lewis. In ... (1 Where) supermarkets have a plastic bottle system. The shoppers get ... (2 How much) p for every plastic bottle they recycle at a special machine. The supermarket has sold ... (3 How many) bottles since the system began last year. That means that people had more than £30,000 for their actions to help nature. I'm Freya. Some of my friends and I learn to swim. But for our lesson we fly across the North Sea from a Scottish Island! It takes 25 minutes to get to Shetland with our teacher and we travel ... (4 How long) miles! My name's Abby. In 2010 I hoped to become the youngest person to sail round the world alone. But I didn't do it because the sea was too dangerous. In the sea people took me to the other ship. 8 years later some people saw my boat near the coast of Australia. I'm Mr Smith. Two very special Socorro dove chicks appeared at Chester Zoo. The chicks haven't been found in the wild for 47 years. There are fewer than 200 of them in the world and all are living in human care. People in Socorro Island, near Mexico, try to make a comfortable place for the doves.

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present perfect:

1) he has just come back. (он только что вернулся домой)

2) i have lost my key. (я потерял/а ключ)

3) she has already seen this film. (она уже видела этот фильм)

4) he has never seen an elephant. (он никогда не видел слона)

present perfect continuous:

1) i have been looking for this book for three weeks already. (я ищу эту книгу уже три недели)

2) kate has been learning to ski for a week now. (катя учится кататься на лыжах уже неделю)

3) we have been cleaning the house since morning. (мы моем дом с утра)

4) steve has been running in the park for half an hour. (стив бегает в парке уже полчаса)

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