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Нада писать савет например You shold каждой предложения начинайтся вотак

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Ответы на вопрос:

You should write some sentences

You should talk on english, and it improves

You should overcome your fear

You shouldn't go to that place again

You should study good and then find a job

You should find your hobby and improve it to peoples

You should take your phone with you, to call your mom if you get lost again

You should often sit home and take medications for coughs and colds

You slould talk more to people

You sould consult a doctor

You should often eat vegetables and fruits, take exercise

You should try not to be aggressive

You should contact specialists

You should wake up early

You should often eat vegetables and fruits, take exercise

You should study well and then go to college for your dream job

i'm so tired. - я так устала. (дословно: я такая уставшая)you should go to bed earlier. - тебе бы лучше пораньше лечь спать.

Популярно: Английский язык