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заполнить пропуски, употребив глаголы в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. 1. a) Helen ... (stay) with her relatives since last week. b) We .. (stay) at this hotel a couple of times before. 2. a) I ... (not/read) any of Harry potter books. b) I ... (read) this book for half an hour and I]m still only on page 4. 3. a) Ted ... (already/have) lunch. b) They ... (have) dinner for two hours. 4. a) You ... (eat) all day! b) I ... (not/ eat) anything since morning and I feel hungry. 5. She ... (clean) the flat four four hours. And she ... (do) two rooms. 6. I ... (read) Tolstoy stories in the park for two hours. I ... (read) three stories. 7. My granny ... (knit) in the living room since morning. She ... (knit) a sweater for me. 8. They ... (discuss) the problem for hours? but ...(not/solve) it yet. 9. My sister ... (skate) since childhood. She ... (take) part in many competitions. 10. He ... (translate) books for five years. He ... (translate) 10 books. 3. Рус. яз.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. A) Has been staying
B) Have stayed
2. A) haven’t read
B) have been reading
3. A) has already had
B) have been having
4. A) Have been eating
B) Haven’t eaten
5. A) Has been cleaning
B) has done
6. A) Have been reading
B) have read
7. A) Has been knitting
B) Has been knitting
8. A) Have been discussing
B) haven’t solved
9. A) Has been scaring
B) Has taken
10. A) Has been translating
B) has translated

1.roses are flowers 2.mice are small animals 3.there are horses in the field 4.mary gave me books.. 5.nouns are names of things

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