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2.I'm afraid there isn't coffee. Would you like some tea? a) any b) no c) some d) less e) a lot of 3. Take your jacket with you. It... be cold later. a) may b) should c) might d) must e) can 4. You ... eat a lot of food before you go to bed .It's bad for you. a) should b) shouldn't c) must d) mustn't e) may 5. John doesn't have ... free time. a) any b) no c) some d) less e) fewer 6. There were ... buses.So we got a taxi home. a) any b) less c) no d) a lot of e) many 7. I work in a shopsells books. a) who b) what c)that d) which e) one 8.I'll tell Emily when I... her. a) saw b) see c) I'll see d) would see e) seeing 9. If Amy ,she would be really upset. a) would know b) knew c) knows d) will know e) knowing 10. There's a cinema in town... stays open all night. a) that b) who c) which d) one e) ones 11. That's Mark's sister. She is the ... near the door. a) one b) ones c) who d) which e) that 12. We live in Chicago, but live in London now. a) used b) used to c) use d) didn't use e) using 2.Vocabulary.Circle the right answer 13.I looked to my mobile but I couldn't find it.

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i live in vishnyovaya street. it is called so because there are many cherry trees there and they are especially beautiful in spring when they are in blossom.

my street is very nice and modern. it is not in the city center, it is in the suburbs. there are many houses in my street and the number of them is increasing every year. also you can see some supermarkets, a filling station, a hotel, several office centers, cafés and bars.

my school is also located in this street. it is a new modern four-storeyed building that looks very nice. it is not far from my house so it does not take me long to get there.

there is a small park not far from my house. on warm sunny days you can see mothers with children walking there. also there are some attractions and my friends and i like to go there very much.

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