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1. Use the function words at, on, out, up and complete the sentences. Translate the sentences.
1. I will pick my little brother from school.
2. You shouldn’t pick your food.
3. Some older schoolchildren pick younger ones.
4. Can you help me pick a dress for the party?
5. Will you pick Susan from school?
6. Why are you picking your food like that?
7. Tom’s health has picked recently.
8. You shouldn’t pick younger children.
9. Can you help me pick a tie to match this shirt?
10. You're not even eating, you're just picking your dinner. Has something happened?
11. Stop picking those who are weaker than you!
12. We need to pick suitable wallpaper for the living room.
13. He picked his suitcase and left.

2. Choose the right word.
1. We have been living there for/during ten years.
2. Many people were killed for/during the war.
3. We often ski for/during the winter.
4. The lecture starts at 10 o’clock. Please, come on/in time.
5. The buses here always come in/on time.
6. I hope to come home in/on time for dinner.
7. You’ve called in/on time! We were thinking about buying the presents.
8. We had a lot of problems with our car. At/In the end we sold it and bought another one.
9. At/In the end of the concert there was applause.
10. When do you get paid? —At/In the end of the month.
11. Tom didn't want to lend us the money at first but at/in the end he agreed.
12. I was born in/on a fine spring morning.
13.In/on a cool autumn evening we rode bikes.
14. I always feel tired in/on the evening.
15. Will you be at home in/on/- this evening?
16. They went to the cinema and after/afterwards they went home.
17. She arrived after/afterwards dinner.
18. Yesterday, my friend had a lot of homework to do, but she still came and saw me after/afterwards.
19. My grandparents lived in Dublin after/afterwards the war.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. Use the function words at, on, out, up and complete the sentences. Translate the sentences.

1. I will pick up my little brother from school. - Я заберу моего младшего брата из школы.

2. You shouldn’t pick on your food. - Тебе не следует придираться к своей еде.

3. Some older schoolchildren pick up younger ones. - Некоторые старшие школьники забирают более младших.

4. Can you help me pick out a dress for the party? - Ты можешь мне выбрать платье для вечеринки?

5. Will you pick up Susan from school? - Ты заберешь Сьюзан из школы?

6. Why are you picking on your food like that? - Почему ты так придираешься к еде?

7. Tom’s health has picked up recently. - Здоровье Тома улучшилось в последнее время.

8. You shouldn’t pick up younger children. - Тебе не следует забирать младших детей.

9. Can you help me pick out a tie to match this shirt? - Ты можешь мне выбрать галстук, которые будет сочетаться с этой рубашкой?

10. You're not even eating, you're just picking on your dinner. Has something happened? - Ты даже не ешь, ты только ковыряешься в еде. Что-то случилось?

11. Stop picking at those who are weaker than you! - Перестань ворчать на тех, кто слабее тебя!

12. We need to pick out suitable wallpaper for the living room. - Нам нужно выбрать подходящие обои для гостиной.

13. He picked up his suitcase and left. - Он забрал свой чемодан и ушел.

2. Choose the right word.

1. We have been living there for ten years.

2. Many people were killed during the war.

3. We often ski during the winter.

4. The lecture starts at 10 o’clock. Please, come on time.

5. The buses here always come in time.

6. I hope to come home in time for dinner.

7. You’ve called in time! We were thinking about buying the presents.

8. We had a lot of problems with our car. In the end we sold it and bought another one.

9. At the end of the concert there was applause.

10. When do you get paid? —At the end of the month.

11. Tom didn't want to lend us the money at first but in the end he agreed.

12. I was born on a fine spring morning.

13. On a cool autumn evening we rode bikes.

14. I always feel tired in the evening.

15. Will you be at home this evening?

16. They went to the cinema and afterwards they went home.

17. She arrived after dinner.

18. Yesterday, my friend had a lot of homework to do, but she still came and saw me afterwards.

19. My grandparents lived in Dublin after the war.

4,5(33 оценок)

What did he do  yesterday?

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