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Измените предложения в настоящем времени на будущее или используя модальный глагол have to I must fly to India now. (next month)
We must go and buy some painkillers. (last night)
Drake must sign the contract today. (tomorrow)
I must Water the plants now. (yesterday)
He must mend a broken window(tomorrow morning)
You must pay the rent today. (last Friday)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I will have to fly to India next month.

2. We had to go and buy some painkillers last night.

3. Drake will have to sign the contract


4. I had to water the plants yesterday.

5. He will have to mend a broken window tomorrow morning.

6. You had to pay the rent last Friday.

Ithink yes, because helping parents with household chores teens learn responsibility, integrity and order. and they learn gradually to adulthood so this is a very important factor in the life of a teenager .

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