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Составить предложение с каждым словом A.D. (anno Domini) — нашей эры

athlete — спортсмен, легкоатлет

race - состязание в беге

tо throw (threw, thrown) — бросать, кидать, метать

tо throw the discus — метать диск

javelin - метательное колье

broad jump - прыжок в длину

wrestling — борьба

to revive — возрождать

to compete — состязаться, соперничать

to represent — представлять

to set the program -
устанавливать программу

opening ceremony — церемония открытия

host country - страна устроительница игр

oath — клятва

to swear — клясться; присягать

sportsmanship — спортивное мастерство, честность

to respect the rules - уважать правила

tо gоvеrnm — править, управлять

glory - слава

honor - слава

Olympic Flame - олимпийский огонь

relay of athletes - эстафета легкоатлетов

tоrсh — факел

to extinguish - тушить

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.Athletes from around the world will be competing at the Olympics.

2.He finished third in the race.

3.That was a great throw!

4.Specialising in both the discus throw and shot put, Saifi is a double Paralympic gold medal winner and three time World Champion.

5.Javelin, a very dangerous event.

6.My specialty's the broad jump

7.We went to the wrestling thing together.

8.Its objective will be to revive donor activity in that sector.

9.Look, guys, we can compete without being enemies.

10.We've decided you shouldn't represent yourselves.

11.If the date in the phone is not set, program will set it during next data update.

12.An opening ceremony is held before the start of the first game of the season.

13.Currently US$ 1 million rental subsidy paid by host country.

14.A Klingon blood oath can never be broken.

15.I hereby swear that I will never chop down another tree.

16.A little sportsmanship, if you please.

17.In exchange, migrants are obliged to respect the rules and laws of the host country.

18.Rittenhouse handed me an all-access pass to government servers.

19.This glory could be yours if you are brave enough to forge peace.

20.My invitation said it was in my honor

21.After the parade of nations the Olympic flame was lit.

22.Successful innovation is a team sport, it's a relay race.

23.Which dragon makes the best welding torch?

24.We must extinguish our evil urges.

1we'll go for a picnic if the weather is fine tomorrow. 2 if i were you, i would never do such a stupid thing. 3 he wouldn't become a doctor, if he didn't like people. 4 if you don't phone me first, i will get in touch with you myself. 5 what will you do if you have to leave this job? 6 if you buy any more books, we won't have any place to sleep. 7 i would give you a lift if my car worked.

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