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b) Listen to the information about British traditional youth organizations and complete the sentences below. 1 Different trends like ..., ... and ... appeared in the British society. 2 ... is the most famous traditional youth organization. 3 This organization was founded by ... in ... 4 An organization for girls was founded in ... and was called ... 5 was formed to defend interests of students. 6 ... and ... are religious organizations. 7 ... provides hostels for young travellers. 8 ... offers a wide choice of sporting and social activities.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the new sofa will not be delivered on friday. 2 this saucepan can be used for cooking spaghetti. 3 my homework has to be finished tonight. 4 your bedroom must be tidied by you. 5 these clothes ought to be put away. 6 the secretary was given by the boss some letters to type. 7 this cake should be eaten immediately. 8 peter was sent by  sally    a  birthday card. 9 the dog must be taken for a walk. 10 the mouse isn't being chased by the cat. 11 is oil produced in spain? 1 2 was he bitten by a dog? 13 a new song hasn't been recorded by edward. 14.the front door was left open by someone. 15. the window wasn't broken by jenny. 16. the computer is being used by someone. 17. he was taught to drive. 18. english is spoken by many people. 19. he had been  already told by the doctor to go on a diet. 20. a new book is being written by the author.

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