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выделить подлежащие и сказуемое в тексте What do you know about your body? the human body (male body) is very beautiful. it consists of arms, legs, torso, head, neck and so on. the eyes help us to see, the ears help us to hear, the mouth and lips help us to speak and eat food. all people have different faces. on our face there are two eyes, a nose, a mouth. we have hair, a neck, two shoulders, ten fingers on our hands, ten toes, ten nails, two feet, two knees, two cheeks, two eyebrows, forehead, chin, each has its own skin. it comes in different colors. people living in Africa have brown or black skin, people living in Europe have white skin. our hair can be straight or curly, long, short, dark, light, gray. people have muscles, fat, bones, joints.and in the human body there are two kidneys, two lungs, a heart, a stomach, a liver and other organs. beck, we have 32 teeth and one tongue in our mouth. some people (children and adults) lose part of their teeth, so they don't have 32 teeth.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Что вы знаете о своем теле? тело человека (мужское тело) очень красиво. он состоит из рук, ног, туловия, головы, шеи и так далее. глаза нам видеть, уши нам слышать, рот и губы нам говорить и есть пищу. у всех людей разные лица. на нашем лице два глаза, нос, рот. у нас волосы, шея, два плеча, десять пальцев на руках, десять пальцев, десять ногтей, две ноги, два колена, две щеки, две брови, лоб, подбородок, у каждого своя кожа. он входит

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