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Open the brackets using the verb in the Present
Indefinite Active or Passive:
1. All the elements of a complete electronic circuit (combine) on a single chip of semiconductor material.

2. Electric current (measure) using a device called an ammeter.

3. The electron tubes (replace) by solid-state devices.

4. Electric currents (cause) Joule heating, which creates light in incandescent light bulbs.

5. The current (vary) to almost any desirable value by a transformer.

6. In electric circuits the charge (carry) by moving electrons in a wire.

7. The way the electric current flows through (call) a circuit.

8. Metals (conduct) electricity with ease.
9. Substances through which electricity easily (transmit) (call) conduc tors.

10. Direct current never changes its direction until the power (stop) or (switch off).

11. Copper (carry) the current more freely than iron.
Rubber (not/allow) electricity to flow freely.

12. Direct current may (flow) in a conductor such as a wire,

13. Electrical energy can (turn) into useful work.

14. Direct current (produce) by sources such as batteries, thermocouples or solar cells.

15. A beam of ions may (form) in a vacuum.

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Whether  - это погода, 2 слово неправильно записано  

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