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ic Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1 a Our Chemistry teacher (be) very kind and funny, b I don't understand why you (be) so negative all of a sudden. 2 a Jean (look) at some baby pictures of hers. b Harry (look) like he the has something important to announce. 3 a 1. (not/see) what you ni are getting at, explain it again. b (Brenda/see) her friends after school to go shopping later? 4 a My coffee ... (taste) better now that there's more sugar in it. b The chef (taste) the dish to make sure it's perfect. 5 a Joshua (appear) to be very tired. b Paul . (appear) in the school play next month. 4.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 Who with

2 How old

3 how many

4 who's

5 where

6 how often

7 when

8 why

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