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4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in Exercise 3. I've got a great group of friends I've known since primary school. We always meet at the weekend to laugh and Joke and about people we know. My friends never ? me for what I wear or about me in front of me. They like me for wholam. We know each other well, too. Alicia she's the best basketball player in the school and Nuria and is that our parents are too strict Sometimes we? about where to meet and what to do, but we never get angryo and we always agree in the end

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Tticyfictgcfycgycgyvgyvyhvgyvgvygcygcg ctycygcygcygvgycygvygggvgycgycgycygcgycgycggvygcftcftctycyycygvgycgyvgycgycgtcygctgcgtctgcgtctgctgggcgtcgyftycygcgyvgycgtcggcgycgvgyvgyvgyvgyvgyvgycgycgtvgtcftcgycgychcgycgyxgycgvygvgtcgxgcygctfxgtvhycfxgyvygcftvygcrtctbjcrxhvcfxfxssarsrdytgyyguhhihuuhijhjiguyftdtsyrdygcygxgyftyhfdyyfydytffytyifjfyyfygydtyfftftyfgycgyctgcgtcftcyybhunkomkonuhbgyvftxdrxesxedxdttfvftvgygvyvgyvybyurcredrrfttyggygrdrygttgybugbyuuggycygcguftydhufyufyufuychuguhcgyxygcgucgycygcygcuyv

Популярно: Английский язык