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52.3 (not/very safe) This bridge.
In these situations you are asking for information, asking people to do things etc.
1 You need a pen. Perhaps Jane has one. Ask her.
Jane, you don't have a pen I could borrow, do you?
2 You have to move a heavy table. You want Joe to help you with it. Ask him.
Joe, you
3 You're looking for Sarah. Perhaps Lisa knows where she is. Ask her.
Lisa, you
4 You want to borrow a tennis racket. Perhaps Helen has one. Ask her.
5 Anna has a car and you need a lift to the station. Perhaps she'll take you. Ask her.
6 You're looking for your keys. Perhaps Robert has seen them. Ask him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Sorry I don't know English

Популярно: Английский язык