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6 1.12 Listen again. Answer the questions. Conversation 1 1 What is Serena's problem? 2 What does her mother promise? Conversation 2 1 What does Alex want Nick to do? 2 What's Alex's opinion of football? Conversation 3 1 What does Bella say about Rachel? 2 What is Tina's reaction? Conversation 4 1 When does the concert start? 2 How does Paul make his friend hurry up?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Коралл, краб, дельфин, медуза, касатка, лобстер, осьминог, морской огурец, морской конек, морская звезда, морской котик , акула, моллюск, креветка, кальмар, черепаха .

Популярно: Английский язык