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8. Thinking @: Complete the sentences. Then match. Check your Cap answers online or with your teacher. (make) their 1 Boys learnt (learn) to fight, swim in cold water and ride a horse. 2 Rich people (live) in villas. (watch) 4 They houses from mud. 5 They shows in big stadiums. 6 They hieroglyphics. 2 3 Both men and women (wear) makeup. (write) in A B 1 THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS THE ROMANS

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The Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro is considered one of the main sightseeing of the capital. If you visit it, it’s almost the same as visiting Red Square and every tourist should do it.

Today our metro is one of the biggest and busiest in the world. It has a huge network that consists of 215 metro stations and it’s 365 kilometers long. But of course, it was not always this way.

At the beginning of the XX century there was no Metro but there were plans on how to build it. The government started doing in the 30s. And on May 15, 1935 the grand opening finally took place in Soviet Union. Back then it was only 11,2 kilometers long.

Since that time our metro has been constantly developing. Even during the second world war they built 7 new stations.

Building of transport system so deep under the ground was a unique achievement for our country so they had a special slogan for it: «Let’s create a palace for people!» And indeed, most of the stations were built with solemnity and monumental features. Some of them such as «Mayakovskay», «Revolution Square» and «Teatralnaya» can be called masterpieces.

Nowadays the Moscow Metro continues developing. For example, in 2002 when «Dmitriy Donskoy’s boulevard» station was open the Moscow Metro went beyond MKAD. Right now they are building 46 new stations and rebuilding the old ones. Generally speaking, the Moscow Metro is getting bigger and bigger every year which means it’s getting more comfortable for residents that started buying apartments far from the city center. So today the Moscow Metro continues its development. Сегодня Московский метрополитен продолжает активно развиваться. Так, в 2002 году после открытия станции «Бульвар Дмитрия Донского» он впервые вышел за пределы МКАД.

Популярно: Английский язык