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2 Choose the correct words. We've been cooking the omelette for twenty minutes "It usually only takes fifteen minutes. It must may / can't be ready now.' 1 It's snowing. It can't / must / may be cold outside. 2 'Whose is this science fiction DVD?' "It could / might / can't be my dad's! He hates science fiction.' 3 Someone's coming. It can't / could / must be Sally. She sometimes gets home at this time. 4 You go to the gym every day. You might / must I can't enjoy keeping fit. 5 No one answered the phone when I called. They can't / could / may be at home. 6 'I haven't eaten all day!' 'You can't / might / must be hungry 7 It's sunny. It might / can't/ may not be warm outside. 8 The train goes in ten minutes. You must/ might / can't miss it if you don't hurry up.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 must

2 can't

3 could

4 might

5 can't

6 must

7 might

8 might

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