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Some North American food is very good, but I don’t like most of A them
B it

C his
D her
2. A hippopotamus spends most of ... time in the water of rivers and lakes.

A his
B its

C it’s
D their
3. The work had to be finished by my boss and ... after the store had closed for the night.

B my

C myself
D me

4. Jack has a car drives to work.

A she
B his

D he

5. A dog makes a good pet if... is properly trained.

A he
B she

C it
D its

6. This is ... umbrella is over there.
A mine, your
B my, yours

C my, your
D mine, yours.

7. Susan works in my office. I know ... well.

A she
B him

C her
D me

8. My family is large is composed of nine members.

A she
B it

C they
D we

9. I have a wonderful family. I love ... very much, and ... love me.

A it, they
B they, them

C them, their
D them, they

10. Everyone drew self-portraits, I drew a picture of...

A himself
B herself

C myself
D themselves

11. The children drew pictures of ...
A myself
B himself

C herself
D themselves

12. Nadia didn't join the rest of us. She sat in the back of the room by ...

A itself
B herself

C themselves
D her

13. No one can make that decision for you. Only you ... can make such an important decision about your own life.

A yours
B yourself

C you
D yourselves

14. This building is high windows are large.

A it
B its

C his
D this

15. Have you got ... brothers or sisters?

A no
B any

C some
D nothing

16. I’m going to buy ... clothes.

A no
B nothing

C any
D some

17. Can I have ... cake, please?
A some
B any

C no
D something

18. Sorry we don’t have ... paper.

A some
B no

C any
D anything

19. Does your company have ... job vacancies?

A nothing
B something

C some
D any

20. ... has knocked at the door. Go and open it.

A some
B somebody

C any
D anybody

21. There was ... in the basket. It was empty.

A any
B anything

C nothing
D something

22. Can you buy me ... tasty at the bakery?

A some
B something

C any
D anything

23. The meeting has just been cancelled. ... has come.

A everyone
B no one

C nothing
D somebody

24. He has ... friends.
A nothing
B no

C nobody
D anybody

25. There is ... wrong with me.
A some
B something

C somebody
D anything

26. He is very lonely. He has ... friends.

A any
B nothing

C few
D little

27. They have spent ... on this experiment.

A many
B few

C a few
D much

28. I know ... about painting.
A many
B a little

C a few
D any

29. ... are hilarious cartoons.
A this
B that

C these
D those

30. Give me ...bag, please. It is over there under the table.

A this
B that

C these
D those

31. Jack is a photographer ... does great work.

A this
B what

C who
D which

32. ...of these do you like best?
A what
B which

C who
D whom

33. ... happens next, I am prepared.
A whichever
B whoever

C whatever
D whomever

34. ... pen is this?
A whose
B who

C whom
D whoever

35. I have three books. Two are mine. ... is yours.

A others B another C the other D the others

36. One city I would like to visit is Paris. ... is Rome.

A another B other C the another D the other

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Ответы на вопрос:

смешная обезьянка хочет иметь друга.чита это маленькая обезьянка.она живет в африке.она коричневая.чита веселая.она любит прыгать,бегать и играть много.она может петь и танцивать тоже.но у неё нет друзей с которыми можно поиграть.и чита хочет иметь много друзей.так она шла шла и шла .однажды она увидела большую зеленую лягушку.лягушка прыгала но не могла бгать или играть в игры.я не хочу дружить с лягушкойи она шла шла шла

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