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1 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
Thad been looking forward to the (1) for ages. We
were going to visit seven islands in ten days and it was
my first trip (2) When we found our (3)
we were surprised at how (4) it seemed. The (5)
agency hadn't told us how (6) it would
be. I had only been on small (7). boats before and
this was something else. As soon as we left the
(8) for our first (
9. I looked out the win-
dow. The (10) was amazing. A deep blue sea with
a(n) (11) island just on the horizon.
1 A cruise B travel C journal D excursion
2 A foreign B abroad C afar D distant
3 A cabin B cabinet C carriage D resort
4 A cultural B inhabited C thermal D comfortable
5 A tour B touristy C tourist
D touring
6 A compatible B guaranteed C constructed D luxurious
7 A voyage
B ferry C yacht D express
8 A sail B harbour Cregion
D runway
9 A destination B facilities C rail D platform
10 A scene B view C graphic D location
11 A exotic B laid-back C coast
D express

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ответ:a ведьма

Б Кощей

В царевну

Г Иван царевич

Дтемк любви


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