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TEST-1 (Module #1) Variant-1 FORMNAMEDATE
I. PHRASAL VERB “LOOK”. Use the correct preposition with the phrasal verb “to look”:
1. I can’t hang out with you today as I have to look my younger sister.
2. If you need her number I can look it for you in the telephone directory.
3. When paragliding, you have to look strong wind.
4. I can’t find my keys. I have been looking them the whole morning.
5. We should respect people of different nationalities. It’s not right to look others.

II. TENSES. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Tense:
1. Why are your clothes dirty? Because I (work) in the garden all morning.
2. you(often / meet) a pop star?
3. What time (train / leave)?
4. (your mum / cook) now?
5. He (see) the dentist every year.
6. How long (you / study) English?
7. We (not see) Tina for ages.
8. My brother (always /throw) all things around the house, this annoys me very much.

III. Fill in : supportive, moody, selfish, patient, dedicated, loyal, trusting, mean, jealous, respected
1. It was…………….……. of him to make her stay late.
2. He had always been very ……………………..of his brother's good looks.
3. When all her other friends deserted her, Steve remained ……………………. .
4. He was very hard-working and …………………..………to his research.
5. My classmates were very helpful and………………………. when I was ill.

IV. Translate into English:
разглядывать витрины
тусоваться (по клубам)
заниматься волонтерской деятельностью
заниматься экстремальными видами спорта
сидеть в Интернете

V. Writing an Informal letter.

My brother really annoys me. Do you get on well with your family? Who is the best friend in your family? What is he/she like? Tell me about them!
Well, I have to go now because I’m meeting my best friend Katie. We always have a lot of fun together.
Write a letter to your friend Emma.
• Tell her about your family
• Ask 3 questions about her best friend
Write 100-140 words.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. give the russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies - курс обучения;

primary school - начальная школа;

secondary school - средняя школа;

previously - ранее;

creche - ясли;

lyceum - лицей;

gymnasium - гимназия;

free of charge - бесплатно;

curriculum - программа обучения;

demand - спрос, востребованность;

to adapt - адапировать(ся);

to extend - продлевать;

to conduct - проводить;

transition - переход;

vocational school - профессионально-техническое училище;

higher school - высшая школа;

competitive - конкурентоспособный;

ability - способность;

to be involved in - участвовать в;

postgraduate courses - курсы повышения квалификации/послевузовское образование

3. give the english equivalents of the following:

детский сад - kindergarten, nursery school;

большой выбор - a great choice;

государственная школа - state school (public school за пределами и уэльса);

большин­ ство школ - most schools;

дополнительные предметы - additional school subjects;

первая четверть - first term;

школь­ ные правила - school rules;

включать - include;

изучаемые предметы -subjects studied;

выпускники - school leavers/graduating students;

акаде­ мия - academy;

выпускные экзамены - final examinations

6. translate the words in brackets into english.

1. the course of studies is eleven years.

2. children under six are taken to creches and nursery schools.

3. most schools are free of charge.

4. at the age of six children start primary school.

5. after basic secondary school young people can enter vocational schools.

Популярно: Английский язык