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Ex e r c i s e 6. Point out participle I and participle II used as adverbi­ al modifiers. Define the type of the adverbial modifier. Укажите причастие I и причастие II, используемые в качестве модификаторов наречий. Определите тип модификатора наречий.

1.The sudden realization of what she could do went flooding through and over her.
2. With the steady roar of applause Don Francisco came striding on to the stage.
3.She was busy complaining about the inci­ dent to Mr Rush.
4. He looked intently at the empty grate, as if expect­ ing to read a message on it.
5. He negotiated many deals while playing golf or tennis.
6. Looking his friend straight in the eye, he said that was his only interest in the riding school.
7. She reappeared carrying red and white checked tablecloths.
8. Gerda seemed immoderately amused by Derek's story, while still making the right responses to Gladys.
9.Carter rubbed his little hands together as though washing them.
10.When opened, the boxes revealed a meal, with everything wrapped in plastic.
11. He would arrive after the wedding, having seen Lord and Lady Brideshead on their way through Paris.
12. An hour ago she sat turning her ring in the water and counting the days of happiness.
13.Turning it over in my mind I recalled the courtships of the past ten years.
14. We drank our wine and soon our new friend came lurching towards us.
15. I've never been given massage before, except once when I hurt my shoulder hunting.
16. "What was your route?" I asked, wish­ ing to be agreeable.
17. Our young friend, as you may know, spends most of his day drinking.
18. While professing a mild agnosticism him­ self, he had a liking for the shows ofreligion.
19. The other half simply want to earn their living doing advertisementsfor Vogue and decorat­ ing night clubs.
20. Only the Hungarian cousins who, mistaking the status of tutor, took him for an unusually privileged upper servant, were unaffected by his presence.
21. The others were not long after him, having been fetched by car at the end of the day.
22. Seeping through the squalid air of the police station came the sweet, rich smoke of a Havana cigar.
23. She made straight for the fire and crouched over it shivering.
24. That day, too, I had come not knowing my desti­ nation.
25. I followed him by the noise he made crashing through the undergrowth and cursing when he hurt himself.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. He doesn't run fast enough to win.

2. This bag is too expensive for me.

3. This film isn't good enough to watch it.

4. Your school bag is as big as mine.

5. This dress isn't big enough for me.

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