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Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
1. Janet (talk) on her mobile phone when the door bell (ring).
2. I(wake up),( get dressed) and go college.
3. Sheila( sleep) at 12 o’clock last night.

Choose the correct verb form of future tense.
4. This time next week we to Athens.
A) Will be flying B) will fly C) are flying
5. We to our new flat by the end of this week.
6. on the college trip at the weekend?
A) Will you have gone B)Are you going C) Do you go

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
7. Mmm…. Something (smell) great. What is it?
8. They (have) a party tonight.
9. They (fit) a new door in their house.
10. This skirt (fit) you well.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

Task 2:

1) talking

2)woke up, getting dressed ,

3) sleeping



6- A

7) smells, are you smelling

8) are having, have

9) fits, are fiting



ну вот что смогла((

Моё лето очень даже весело.Мы гуляли с друзьями,отдыхали,но иногда надо было и работать.Я отдыхала,ездила(куда то).Побывала(где ты была)Но всё ровно хочется ещё лето


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