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Task 1. Reading Read the text and complete the tasks below.
If your friend has a problem, you help him. Do you know that animals also help each other?
For example, one scientist studied a group of dolphins. Dolphins need air to swim. Once one of the
dolphins in the group was too weak to swim. Group of dolphins quickly swam under him and pushed him
to the top of the water for air.
Complete the sentences according to the writer.
1. When friends are in difficult situation,
2. Animals in nature also
3. The author gives an example of
4. This story is about one dolphin that
Task 2. Writing
Write about your best friend
Follow the steps for writing:
Write one sentence about your first meeting.
Describe the appearance of your friend (height, weight, face, eyes, etc).
O Write about his/her character. What do you like/don't like about it? Why?
Explain why it is important to have friends.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

-Нi, Olya.

-Hi, Misha.

-It's cold today, you're not cold?

-No, you can see how much clother l have.

-Yes, reall, dressed like a cabbage.

-Do not make me laugh. Let's walk in the park.

-Come on, l like to walk on the snow-covered paths.

-What weather forecasters promise?

-+30 degrees, it will be very hot.

-It is necessary to wesr a hat.

-And take an umbrella, in the evening it may be raining.

-Thank you.


-Привет, Оля.

-Привет, Миша.

-Холодно сегодня, ты не замёрзла?

-Нет, ты же видишь, сколько на мне одежды.

-Да, уж, оделась как капуста.

-Не смеши меня. Давай лучше прогуляемся по парку.

-Давай, я люблю гулять по заснеженным дорожкам.

-Какую погоду обещают синоптики?

-+30 градусов, будет жарко.

-Надо обязательно одеть шляпу.

-И зонтик возьми, к вечеру может быть дождь

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