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перевести <3 Моя хобби не такая популярная как у остальных да и объяснить будет сложно
Я занимаюсь клинигом манг
Манги это типа виде японских комикс
Клинер это Очищает сканы манги от текста, очищает звуки и восстанавливает фон. Иногда занимается первоначальной обработкой сканов. Мне нравится заниматься этим видом хобби свободное время. Иногда бывает когда очень сильно увлекаюсь процессем и доходит да того что я сижу до полу ночи.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My hobby is not as popular as the rest of them, and it will be difficult to explain. I am cleaning manga. Manga is like a kind of Japanese comics. Cleaner it Cleans manga scans of text, cleans sounds and restores the background. Sometimes he is involved in the initial processing of scans. I like to do this kind of hobby in my free time. Sometimes it happens when I am very fond of the process and it comes to the fact that I sit until half of the night.

My hobby is not as popular as the others, and it will be difficult to explain. I am cleaning manga. Manga is Japanese comics. The cleaner is the person who cleans the text from the manga, cleans up the sounds and restores the background. Sometimes he also deals with the initial processing of the scans. I like to do this kind of hobby in my free time and I'm very fond of the process. For this hobby, I can sit until night.

В тексте присутствуют незначительные измениния для большей понятности при переводе.

1) hour strange two second late old well 2) across up with owner out 3) : i feel a little nervous about starting a new job. b: don’t worry, you’ll be fine. 2 a: have you heard of stephen king? b: of course i have! i’ve read all his books! 3 a: how was your trip to scotland? b: it was good, but unfortunately we didn’t succeed in seeing the loch ness monster! 4 a: have you heard from lisa? b: she called me a few days ago. she’s just got back from japan. 5 a: i find it so difficult to draw portraits! b: don’t worry, i know from experience that you get better with practice. 6 a: have you ever thought of having an exhibition with your works? b: not really.

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