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7.18 Fill in the gaps with verbs in brackets using the Past Perfect 1) I (wake) up by 7 o'clock. 2) We (finish) a big project by the end of the month. 3) My cousin and her boyfriend (marry) by June. 4) After our friends (buy) a new country house they invited us to the party. 5) After I (cook) dinner, I changed my clothes and did my hair. 6) I never in my (play) golf before my friend invited me to a golf party. 7) When my parents came back already (do) my homework. 8) I (get) all the necessary information before my colleagues phoned me.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) had woken

2) had finished

3) had married

4) had bought

5) had cooked

6) had played

7) had done

8) hat got/gotten


1. 2 предложение

2. 2 предложение

3. 1 предложение


потому что формула present perfect continious-have(i,you,they)/has(he,she,it) been +глагол с окончанием ing (v ing) например: they have been talking to mary for 10 minutes.

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