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what's the most interesting or unusual job you have ever had or heard about?

1. What kind of job is it?

2. what responsibilities to come with the job?

3. what personal trairs should / should not one have to match the job?

4. How would you describe this job? Is it demanding or rewarding or what else? In what ways?

5.What is the most interesting or unusual thing about it?

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Ответы на вопрос:

  a hobby is a thing people like to do in their free time.different people have different hobbies.  різні люди мають різні захоплення.they are fond of collecting things, going in for sport, travelling and playing computer games.  вони люблять збирати речі , займатися спортом , подорожувати і грати в комп'ютерні ігри. my hobby is sport and english.  моє хобі спорт та ійська.  i am going in for taekwon-do and i am learning  english in my free time.   я ходжу на таеквон-до і я вчу ійську у вільний час.  i have got green belt.  i go to the  taekwon-do two years.  я отримав зелений пояс. я займаюся таеквон-до два роки. also i like to playing computer games.  також я люблю грати в комп'ютерні ігри.

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