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Exercise 2 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Не came to see me. . . last week and brought. . . English handbook with him. 2. . good dictionary is. . . great help to. . . students. 3. . last night I met Tommy; he said he would come here today if. . . weather were fine. 4. What is. . . matter? Have you had. . . accident? 5. He works hard by. . . day and sleeps soundly at. . . night. 6. . help came at. . . last and. . . swimmer was rescued. 7. He works every. . . day from. . . early morning till late at. . . night. 8. He went into. . . inn and asked for. . . bread and. . . butter. 9. By. . . way, - he said, - where is. . . shop you told me about?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Не came to see me last week and brought the English handbook with him. 2. Good dictionary is great help to students. 3. Last night I met Tommy; he said he would come here today if the weather were fine. 4. What is the matter? Have you had an accident? 5. He works hard by day and sleeps soundly at night. 6. The help came at last and the swimmer was rescued. 7. He works every day from the early morning till late at night. 8. He went into the inn and asked for bread and butter. 9. By the way, - he said, - where is the shop you told me about?

1)  effective for all and all people need to follow them  2)не знаю как даже написать что то в голову не приходит3) follow the rules and obey their parents4) friend michael       не знаю правильно или нет,делала не по рабочей тетради потому что нету а в следующий раз оброщайся к переводчику! ; )

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