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For items 1-10, listen to a radio talk for young people about astrology, and decide whether the statements 1-10 are TRUB according to the text you hear, or FALSE, or the information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text. You will hear the text twice 1. The movement of stars determines people's lives, 2. Most people have no faith in astrology, 3. Should they decide on a serious issue, a small percentage of people are likely to turn to the stars, 4. Simon agrees with psychologists on the influence of a person's time of birth on their personality 5. The time of birth remains a defining factor throughout the whole life. 6. A statistical comparison between the person's choice of career and their star sign is the most effective tool in predicting future events in their life, 7. More than 15 % of entertainers were born in the second half of summer. 8. Spring is a favourable period for travelling and finances, 9. People in financial professions are connected with one particular star sign. 10. Technological advances have reduced the influence of nature on us.

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Hello,nice to see you again. you look great! -hi, nice to meet you too.  you look so sporty! what did you do? -oh,  i dont care about it, it is my little secret. -dont be silly! we are good friends, please say it to me. -oh, come on! i will show.  look here, it is a shop of a healthy food. i buy food here. -really? i thought you do special  exercises, do sport or follow any timetable, but not this. i thought -will you ever give me a chance to answer?   i am afraid to disappoint you. but yes, it is true. i often visit this shop. -sorry, i am not right. -it is never mind. but how are you? - oh, i am good. my studing is perfect. i did not get any bad marks last year, and because of it my parents bought a dog for me. would you like to see a photo? -that is good idea! - look here, there he is very little, but now he is bigger. -oh, this puppy is so nice. but, what time is it now? -it is seven o'clock. -oh, no, i am late. i shold go to the dancing club. buy! -goodbuy!

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