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Ex. 18 Form sentences from the words. 2. on Easter, don't, go, we, to school. 3. vegetables, eats, he, every day. 4. likes, interesting, she, books, to read. 5. waters, my mother, the flowers, twice a week. 6. never, eats, my father, fruit. 7. reads, his grandfather, every evening, magazines 8. feed, I, my dog, three times a day 9. Jane, to the cinema, every month, doesn't, go.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. We don't go to school for Easter. 3. He eats vegetables every day 4. She likes to read interesting books. 5. My mother waters the flowers with clean water 2 times a week. 6. My father never eats fruit 7. My grandfather reads magazines every night. 8. I feed my dog three times a day. 9. Jane doesn't go to the movies every month.

Надеюсь <3

Yesterday at school we had a very funny story. i and my friend mary didn't do our homework, so we decided to say that our teacher hadn't given us any homework. at the break we met her. she asked if we had done our homework. we said that she maybe mixed something, because she hadn't given us homework. she laughed and said that she remembers giving it. and suddenly mary's friend tom appeared and said to the teacher that the homework had been very easy. the teacher gave us a bad mark.

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