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7.С8 7R1 Look at the phrases below. How do you think they are related to the text? Listen and read to find out. • healthy lifestyle • improve physical fitness improve concentration • stay fit . improve strength and balance improve self-esteem • teach discipline and respect for others предложение написать

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.do parents join their children often for picnic games. what did parents often do? whom the parents often join for picnic games. 2.does george perfers a barbeque picnic to sigthseeing? what does george perfers to sigthseeing? why did george perfers a barbeque picnic. 3.is a cool box was used to keep   products fresh. when a cool box was used to keep products fresh? what is a cool box do. 4.did i went on picnic last time when i was ten. when did i went on a picnic. where did i last time went when i was ten.

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