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Указать время и залог(действительный или страдательный)
1. Every day students go to college
2. Vacation will begin in four months.
3. this subject will not be taken by them
4. sometimes the lectures are not attended by her
5. this theater is usually attended by children with great interest.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Present Simple

2. Future Simple

3. Future Simple

4. Present Simple

5. Present Simple


1. Every day - каждый день, происходит обычно

2. will - будет, будущее время

3. will not - не будет, будущее время

4. sometimes - иногда

5. usually - обычно

1. one of the  prime  functions of marketing personnel is to collect and analyze the information needed in order to  identify the needs and wants of potential and present customers. this will also involve observation of the activities of the competitors.


2. at any level in the organization it is  unlikely that managers will be able  to cope adequately with all aspects of their jobs on their own. to function  efficiently they must delegate. provided that they have chosen and trained the right people, they should be able to allocate important aspects of their jobs to subordinates

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