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Пришел в поликлинику. До начала приема еще пятнадцать минут, но очередь уже огромная, куча бабок и хамоватых студентов. Не пустили меня к кабинету, устроили скандал, чуть не задавили. Потому что " Стой в очереди как все, козел» P. S. Я — врач.

О себе: Я такой, мне 12 лет, я ученик 5 А класса МБОУ СОШ 76 г Москва. Я изучаю английский, потому что мне он нужен в дальнейшем. Английский считаю мировым языком,поэтому я изучаю его.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year, everything starts to bloom, flowers appear and it is possible to walk with friends at least nights. in my spring break i will help my mother to clean the apartment, if i do not need help, i'll go for a walk. but the weather has definitely failed me. winter did not want to leave, even at the end of march it was very frosty. but still, vacations are a vacation and my mood was festive every day. i managed to go several times to the cinema, a couple of times i was visiting friends that i rarely meet in my daily life - they live far away and after school they do not go to visit them comfortably, and on weekends they always find something for me, caring parents . i spent the spring break just fine. there have been many interesting events. for example, i went to the movies with my sister, i really liked it, and we will definitely go there again. and, my friend had a birthday, and we celebrated it in a cafe. then we twice went to competitions in the palace of sports that would cheer for our team

Популярно: Английский язык