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3 * Match the three parts of each sentence. Tennis is - a person whose job is to defend the goal. The goalkeeper is a place which requires speed and general fitness. A pool is a game who teaches you how to play a sport. An instructor is the footballer where you go swimming 4 * Underline the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences. 1 Yesterday, I met a girl who which was in my class in primary school. 2 I bought a stopwatch which/whose broke after a week. 3 This is the house which/where we lived when I was a child. 4 I'm phoning the person whose/who car is parked in front of the gate. 5 The shop where/which I bought my table tennis bat is closed today,

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Ответы на вопрос:

Теперь наши друзья готовы. они только что сделали все эти дела. напиши, что они говорят.

Популярно: Английский язык